A Briefing on Journal of Bridge Construction
The journal of Bridge Construction was initiated in 1971 and is the sole journal that exclusively publishes papers of large and medium bridge engineering in China. The journal mainly reports and communicates practice and theoretic researches of domestic and foreign bridge engineers in aspect of their scientific researches, design, construction and construction supervision with focus on the new techniques, new workmanships, new materials and the latest research findings. The major columns the journal covers are: (1) the latest bridge science and techniques; (2) the design and construction techniques of various notable major bridges and the bridges that have distinctive structural features; (3) the development and application of new bridge engineering materials; (4) the development and application of new bridge construction machinery and equipment; (5) the seismic resistance, vibration damping and corrosion protection techniques of bridges; (6) the inspection, testing, evaluation, maintenance, remedial and strengthening of existing bridges as well as (7) the construction accidents and the corresponding analysis of bridges.
The journal of Bridge Construction (international standard serial number: ISSN 1003-4722) is a bimonthly and irregularly the journal may publish two issues of supplements annually. The journal has totally 84 pages (A4) each issue, within which about 20 papers will be published. All titles, abstracts, key words figures,tables and references of the papers are provided bilingually with both Chinese and English languages. The Editorial Office of the journal has recruited an international editorial board that has a number of internationally well-known engineers and professors (See the appendix hereunder). The address of the Editorial Office is 103 Jianshe Avenue, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China (Postal Code 430034) and the e-mail is qlkxyjs@public.wh.hb.cn. Contribution of the papers should be directed to the Editorial Office.
Academically competitive and encyclopedic, and having the clear market positioning and outstanding features of its own, the journal of Bridge Construction, since the year it was initiated, has been one of the journals that attract and are popular among extensive authors and readers in the field of bridge engineering in China. The impact factor of the journal has ranked first in the category of “Railway Transportation”, “Communication Transportation” and “Highway Transportation” of Chinese literatures.The journal has been included as the Statistic Source Journal of Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and the Chinese Core Journal for years running and has been included and/or listed respectively in the Index of Copurnicus and the Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory. The publisher of the journal is the Journal Prsss,Bridge Science Research Institute Ltd., China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group, located in Wuhan, China and the sponsor is China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Co., Ltd., a famous and leading bridge engineering contractor that has a long history of over 50 years and has designed and constructed a great many of major bridges over the rivers, valleys and sea.